Charla sobre Derecho civil foral aragonés

derecho foral nube

Todos los alumnos de 4º de ESO, tanto los que siguen el currículo en inglés como en castellano y los de diversificación, asistieron el pasado 10 de noviembre a una charla promovida por el Gobierno de Aragón sobre “Derecho civil foral aragonés”  durante sus clases de Ciencias Sociales y Ámbito Sociolingüístico.


Una alumna de bilingüe nos informa a continuación. “The other day we had a talk about the Aragonese civil law where the speaker presented different situations and we had to say what we thought it was going to happen. Do you have to ask your parents to have tattoos or piercings? And to submit yourself to surgery? What if you want to buy a motorbike? Until what age do your parents have to take care of you if you are a responsible person? Which are your inheritance rights? Well, some of the answers shocked many of us. I have to say that we had fun, since we explored the laws with examples in which everyone could participate. At the end, they gave us a little book.”

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